The Deuss system

The Deuss system on the WOT terrain

The Deuss-system is a simple and effective water heating system made from solar collectors. The system is named after Bart Deuss of the no longer existing BACIBO Foundation. The BACIBO Foundation has been actively involved in the installation of hot water systems in various developing countries. Under their supervision at least 60 of these hot water systems have been built at 25 different locations, such as remote hospitals and educational centres. The Deuss-system is meant to replace existing wood-burning hot water systems.

The simple but solid construction of this system is made from locally available materials. Local professionals are trained in fabricating, installing and maintaining the solar collectors. On the WOT terrain is a functional Deuss-system that the members build themselves.

Working principle

Working principle of the Deuss system

Cold water fills a storage tank through tube (1). Through tube (4), the cold water streams to solar collectors. The solar collectors consist of tubes that are arranged in a zig-zag pattern. The sun heats up the tubes, thus the water within it. Since the density of hot water is lower than the density of the cold water, the hot water flows upwards. The water exits the solar collector and enters the storage tank through tube (5). In this tank, the hot water stays on top of the cold water. The hot water can be taken from the tank through tube (6). A ventilation opening (7) prevents the tank from pressurising. The tank is filled again through tube (1) until a float stops this flow.