In August of 2024, during the Kick-In, the WOT hosted multiple fun activies for new students at the University of Twente. During these activities they were able to learn and make things at the WOT terrain. Troughout the Kick-In, which lasted 9 days, the new students were divided over do-groups from the same study program.
On the 20th we hosted a welding course for the ladies Kick-In of W.S.G. Newton. During this day new female students at Mechanical Engineering received a welding course where they learned to make strong connections using electrode welding. The final product was a steel name plate on a stand. This sounds simple, but required the new students to make tidy ‘catterpillars’ 🐛 on the steel plate and weld on the inside and outside of an angled connection.
On the 26th new students of S.G. Daedalus came by for their faculty Kick-In. Each do-group made a drink holder. Each do-group received blank planks that were cut into a shape related to that do group, with the goal to draw✏️ and paint🎨 on it to their liking.
On the 27th and 28th new students of W.S.G. Newton came by. On the first day the do-groups competed in which could build the best catapult. They were allowed to use pallets and parts from spare bikes alongside tools from the workshop. The goal was to make the catapult that could shoot the furthest. After this the do-groups painted their own drink holders to use them out at a BBQ from Newton. The second day was another day of ‘beuning’, but this time the do-groups competed to make cranes that could lift a keg the highest.
In addition to these activities the WOT also had it’s own do-group experience. For the first time since its inception the WOT has formed its very own Mechanical Engineering do-group for this years Kick-In. Some of our WOT members wanted to help ‘kiddos’ as parents or as they called themselves: ‘senior beunhazen’. Unfortunately, no one of us had do-group parenting experience. However, we did not let that stop us, and made sure that we and the future kiddos would have an amazing kick-in.
To make sure that the future kiddos would fit the WOT mindset, we made sure to advertise our do group with workshop tools, welding equipment, campfires and, of course, pancakes🥞! Especially the pancakes made us popular during the do-group market, as there was a crowd of people who showed up to ‘take a look’. Most importantly though, was that the kiddos that we got seemed content with their do-group.